Virtual Sermons

Live Service

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We appreciate your visit to the sermons page of Amity Baptist Church. Our service's live broadcasts are housed in this area, where a copy will also be kept for future reference. Of course, attending the service in person is the greatest way to experience it, but there are times when we are just unable to do so due to family obligations, travel plans, or our work with the church's young people. 

You don't need any additional, expensive software to see the videos, which contain presentation slides so you can keep up with your sermon notes. Please be aware that clicking the video's lower-right square will display it in full-screen mode. The buttons at the bottom of the movie allow you to pause, rewind and fast-forward it. 

We are currently constructing our live stream services for Facebook Page.

When available please enjoy and share with those you love via the "SHARE" button under the video! See you on Sunday!

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